just arrived...
the "greek gods"
F1b Auskies: Nanuk x Arya
8 week pick up: April 29th
12 week pick up (Puppy Head Start): May 27th

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Reservation List Availability
Newly Available Puppy- a newly available pup is ready to go home!
Ausky Club Updates & News
Older Pup Availability- Maybe a pup was returned and is now available to go home! Sometimes an older pup is ideal for those that do not want to potty train or kennel train! Please understand that it is rare for us to get a puppy back.
Disclaimer: Those that have a reservation fee on file will be notified of availability first
puppy evaluations
Here at the Ausky Club we do not allow puppy parents to make their picks until the puppies have completed their 7 week behavioral evaluations. No Exceptions!
Why? Here at the Ausky Club we believe in making matches that last a lifetime and honoring the needs of both human and puppy. It is a huge responsibility. We started this program with the vision of purpose and professionalism. With that being said our puppies are our brand, our reputation and most importantly they are each a small piece of our hearts. It is our duty to take the time to evaluate each and every individual puppy to determine his/her needs, strengths, likes and dislikes and make sure these things are in line with the potential puppy parents wishes and needs as well. If you told us you were looking for a laid back easy going dog because you have a less active lifestyle the evaluation report will make it easy for you to single out which puppy would be ideal for you and your family!
What is it? Puppy evaluations truly start on day 3 of life when we begin ESI/ENS Activities we start to record the individual responses to each activity categorized as a "no protest, mild protest or strong protest" we can begin to form a very rough idea of which puppies are more sensitive or resilient. As they mature over the next few weeks the activities become more unpredictable and challenging and we continue to note specific behaviors like "blue collar tends to have more prey drive than pack drive" , "pink collar tends to want to sit alone and observe during exposure activities" etc. As the puppies approach 6 weeks they really start to develop personality traits. We conduct the final 7 week behavioral evaluations and score the puppies on their stable and adjustable traits to finally categorize them into 5 different personality "types" to help our puppy parents make the best decision possible for themselves!