Parents are entered into our program only after extensive health testing and temperament testing. Many personality traits are inheritable so ensuring we use dogs we love, are trainable (want to learn and work with and for us) are overall human focused, reliable, have solid nerve strength and will absolutely pass on lots of good traits is just as important to us as the health testing. It takes a holistic approach to get dogs that can excel as family companions, therapy dog work, facility dog work and service work. We do not breed any dog that shows unprovoked aggression, panic without recovery or strong avoidance.
It is with complete pride and love I introduce you to our parents. They live in home full time as beloved pets and sport dogs.
We use the best to produce the best. Color and coat type is not my top priority, it just isn't. Temperament and health is. I want dogs that will heal hearts and save lives. It is that simple.
Red Tri Color F1bb Ausky carries Heterochromia (blue eyes & crackle eyes) gene - 47lbs
Arya is a 5 year old F1 Australian Shepherd Husky meaning her mother was an Australian Shepherd and her father was a Siberian Husky. She is laid back in her demeanor and loyal to her people. She underwent our therapy dog (TDI Standards) training program as a puppy. She is a very gentle and kind but no nonsense mom. She is strictly business. She displays excellent nerve strength with a high prey drive. She has dabbled in some dock diving, agility, disc and Flyball. She loves going to the beach and digging in the sand!
Arya's plans:
-Attend her first ADA weight pulling class with Run Jump Play
-Completes her DMYD Novice & Intermediate trick dog titles
-Earns her first AKC Rally event title
-Booked for a litter of F1B Ausky puppies in the spring 2023
Arya's Health Testing Results

Nanuk (Sire)
Blue Merle Australian Shepherd carries Heterochromia (blue eyes & crackle eyes) gene and red factor & harlequin pattern- 53lbs
The coveted Canis Magnus Summer 2020 Title (TWICE)
The coveted Canis Felix Winter 2020 Title (TWICE)
DMWYD Novice Trick Dog (testing soon)
DMWYD Intermediate Trick Dog (testing soon)
Accolades & Accomplishments:
3rd Place in the K9 Toss N Fetch WorldWide Championship - Expert Division 2021
9th Place in the K9 Toss N Fetch WorldWide Championship - Expert Division 2022
#66 in the world in Handler division for K9 Toss N Fetch Fall Season 2020
#96 in the world Handler division for K9 Toss N Fetch Summer Down Under 2020
Tempe Disc Dogs R.O.Y Runner Up Summer Down Under 2021
Tempe Disc Dogs Super 8 Winter Season 2020
Rookie of The Year 2020
Runner up for MVP 2020
Anthem Super 8 Fall Season 2020
Nanuk is a 4 year old Blue Merle Australian Shepherd mix. He is from a lineage of locally bred sporting (working line) Aussies. His sire (Kahua) is a competitive Flyball Dog. Beacuse he comes from a line of sport bred dogs he is actually an Australian Shepherd x Australian Cattle Dog x German Shepherd mix. Or as we say..the bestest boy.
Nanuk in his first competitive season of Toss N' Fetch and put on an incredible display of talent and grit earning himself the title of Rookie of The Year and TWO of the coveted Canis Magnus Titles and securing his spot as #66 in the world in the Handler Division. He passed the TDI program with flying colors. In his following years competing on the Toss N Fetch field he made the groundbreaking accomplishment of taking #3 in the WORLD in the highest possible division in 2021. In 2022 he entered his very first dock diving event and walked away with his first Title like it was a piece of cake. That same year approaching worlds he was coming fresh off of a toe injury we actually weren't sure if he would make it to worlds or not and decided to enter him last minute where he again showed a huge display of grit by taking #9 in his Division in the Worldwide rankings. Nanuk has also begun advanced obedience training in hopes to enter him to begin earning titles in AKC Rally & Obedience events and has dabbled in some PSA work showing a lot of potential. Nanuk is the kind of dog who is convinced he still fits in mom & dad's laps and would do absolutely anything for his people, the true definition of a velcro dog. He is incredibly outgoing, brave and resilient we lovingly call him the *indestructible dog*. He could go all day long on a trail or spend the day napping at my feet as I type away. Nanuk is a huge fan of the ocean and swimming! In addition to being a sort of freak of nature he is also a tender and loving father even grooming and playing with his own puppies he likes to be very "paws on" when it comes to his puppies.
Nanuk's plans for 2023:
-Earning his DMYD Novice & Intermediate Trick Dog Titles
-Earn another K9 Toss N Fetch League Canis Magnus & MVP Title
-Earn another World Title
-Earn another NADD Title
-Attends his first APA weight pull competition
Nanuk's Health Testing Results: